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Personal Apology

August 6, 2024


I have been working on a personal confession letter for several weeks and had prepared this website for it to be posted on when the whole story was completely exposed. To be clear, I wasn’t the direct source of the information in the recently-released YouTube video. And while I don’t agree with all of the conclusions that were made and some of the information given was slightly inaccurate, I am glad it was exposed. Also, a close pastor friend in Utah posted this article a few weeks ago that also sheds light on everything: Main Street Church Brigham City: Adam's Road Statement. With all of this existing exposure I feel that posting what I had intended would be unnecessary and redundant. The only thing that remains for me to do then is to apologize. 


About 9 months ago, I was given a crushing conviction from the Holy Spirit compelling me to end all sinful arrangements and fully surrender to Jesus as the Lord of my life. I believe it was in this moment that I was born-again. I thought I could sweep my past under the rug and move forward never telling anyone of the atrocities I had made my lifestyle, but I couldn’t.


My confession to God alone was for my forgiveness but the Holy Spirit kept gently bringing my past to the surface and then in March 2024, God made it so clear that I needed to tell my wife, Katie. I confessed everything to her, her parents, and the rest of her family.


I want to apologize to all of you who have partnered with Adam’s Road in ministry, the hundreds of pastors who have hosted us at your churches, the hundreds of thousands of you who have listened to our music and to our testimonies, and all of you who believed and trusted in the false, hypocritical image I presented to the church and the world about myself. With the way I lived my life behind closed doors, I lied to you. I deceived you. I betrayed you. For so many years. I have personally hurt you and I am so truly sorry. Faith without works is dead so I will show you that my faith in Jesus and repentance are sincere and that I am a changed man by my actions, starting with this public apology. I hope that one day, in time, you will see me as a brother in Christ. 


I am ready to face all the consequences of my sins and place myself at the mercy of my God. I have stepped down from all ministry capacities because I do not meet the qualifications of an elder or overseer in the Body. Because of my choices I am not nor may ever be above reproach. All I hope is that I can still be a vessel of honorable use in God’s hands because I now have cleansed myself from the dishonorable (2 Tim. 2:21). While I failed, I know that God is faithful and my sin does not negate the power of the gospel to bring salvation.


I also intend to step out of the public spotlight indefinitely so I can focus on my own personal repentance, my walk with the Lord, and rebuild my relationship with my wife. 





Joseph Daniel Warren

© 2024 by Joseph Warren. All rights reserved.

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